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Driving growth through branded content

Date: 06 Mar 2025 , 9:00 - 12:30
Charlotte Street Hotel, London

Our CRUNCH series continues to be supported by our TAB partner Google

Direct relationships with the buy-side aren’t just about reducing reliance on big tech within the industry; they are about creating a more sustainable and engaging digital publishing ecosystem. We joined experts from leading publishers and agencies at AOP CRUNCH to discover how you can blend commercial and editorial priorities to create branded content that drives revenue and audience growth and supports advertisers in achieving their objectives.


Here are just a few of the key highlights from the conversations:

  • Branded content delivers better ROI in the longer-term, but you need to invest in building strong partnerships with advertisers to really see the benefits. However, once you’ve got your foot in the door, branded content also acts as a Trojan Horse to help publishers bring in more revenue to other areas.
  • Advertising budgets are decreasing. We need to make sure that branded content is baked in at the start of the media strategy by educating clients about the power of storytelling. When the partnership is at the heart of the campaign with the advertising ecosystem then built around that, it’s harder to cut the budgets.
  • The best branded storytelling is collaborative storytelling. If you can find the intersection between your editorial insights and values and the objectives and expertise of your clients, that’s where branded content really starts to shine.
  • We need more cooperation between commercial and editorial. If sales teams arrive to meetings with a few editorial ideas in their back pocket, they can inspire clients to consider new partnerships and bring content on to the agenda.
  • Look at your big projects work to see if there are opportunities for brands to partner with you and then raise those with agencies. Advertisers are most excited about partnerships where editorial are already invested in the project as they get more benefit from the soft values surrounding the content – but they can’t get involved if they don’t know that it’s happening.

Bitesize Videos

Featured Speakers

Sam Bird edit

Sam Bird
Managing Director, Content & Brand Experience
Wavemaker UK


Thumbnail Raquel Bubar Headshot 2024

Raquel Bubar
Managing Director
T Brand Studio International


IMG 1637

Arianna Chatzidakis
Creative Content Director
HELLO! Magazine


AD cropped

Arif Durrani
Global Content Director
Reuters Plus


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Lauren Franklin
Commercial Features Director
The Guardian


Tom headshot

Tom Gunter
Co-Founder & Product Solutions Director
Avid Collective



Charis​​​​ Jellett
Agency Business Director, Entertainment
The Story Lab


Jesper Laursen2

Jesper Laursen
The Native Advertising Institute


Liz Percy Robb bio pic

Liz Percy-Robb
Head of Digital Commercial
National World


Nico Sarti

Nico Sarti
Global VP, Creative Strategy
Condé Nast


Daniel Wood

Dan Wood
MD Creative Futures UK

