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From Fly-bys to Super Fans: re-thinking your audience development and engagement strategies

Date: 28 Apr 2022

Our CRUNCH series continues to be supported by our TAB partner Google

In a world of ever-increasing competition for attention, how do you find new ways to surface your content? On April 28th, we joined leading experts at AOP CRUNCH to uncover the future of audience development for digital publishers, and what it takes to elevate your content strategies to new heights. Our speakers shared their insights on how you can grow awareness of content, navigating the post-cookie landscape, and developing new approaches to obtain first-party data. 


    Here are just a few of our key takeaways from the discussion…

    • You can’t treat audience as a homogenous entity. Segmentation is key to delivering the right call to actions to those who will be most receptive – but your strategy needs to be fluid so that it continually evolves to respond to the changes in your audience’s behaviour.
    • As a publisher, you have a trump card in your hand – your community. Fostering community interaction and curating a space for an engagement can increase your retention and also the advocacy of your community around your brand.
    • Audiences don’t mind advertising. Adverts that appear within a quality subscriber environment can deliver real returns for brands, but it’s crucial that they’re relevant, non-intrusive, and don’t delay the content enjoyment.
    • With cookies on their way out of the door, we need to work collaboratively to create a solution that works for the industry and puts the power back into the hands of publishers as the experts on what their audiences want.
    • We also need to re-think the metrics that we use to describe success as an industry. By moving away from metrics like CTR which play in to the hands of click bait titles and towards more meaningful metrics around brand safety, attention, and impact, you can deliver a better experience for your users and advertisers.
    • Authenticity is key. People want to understand what a brand stands for, and they want to see that the brand is standing by those values. It’s far more important to stand for something clear than to attempt to be everything to everyone – where you often end up being nothing to anyone.

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