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The Great Resignation… or the Great Opportunity?

Date: 26 May 2022 , 9:00 - 12:00
The Apartment, The Hoxton, Holborn, WC1V 7BD

Our CRUNCH series continues to be supported by our TAB partner Google

How can you revitalise your organisation’s proposition in order to attract talent? On May 26th, we joined a panel of experts working to make changes in the digital publishing sector to understand how organisations can address the changing requirements of the workforce and challenge bias to ensure everyone has a chance to thrive. 


Here are just a few of the key takeaways from the discussion…

  • The research highlights how far we still have to go. According to the All In Census, 32% of black people and 27% of Asians said they would leave the industry because they didn’t feel like they belong. 3 in 4 people don’t see role models they relate too in their organisation according to Media For All. We need ongoing action plans.
  • Embed microaffirmations into the workplace. A culture where microaggressions are called out and where people speak up for one another is the first step towards building a more inclusive organisation.
  • We can’t open the door and expect talent to come in. We have to go and find them. Think carefully as well about how you frame your positions – when we talk about all entry level talent as ‘grads,’ that’s an issue. There isn’t a degree for what we do, so understand what skills and personality traits you’re looking for and understand how you can nurture and support those people to grow into the role.
  • As an industry, we’re focusing too much on the D in DE&I, and not enough on the I. We have to do more than just attract talent – we need to focus on how we retain and nurture employees. No one expects you to be a perfect employer right now, but be honest about where you’re at and be clear about where you want to be in the future and set targets to help you achieve those goals. Listen to your employees to understand where you’re at, take on board feedback, and take the first step to make change.
  • Young people don’t necessarily know what job roles best fit them – or even what many of the jobs in digital publishing entail. Having systems that allow new talent to get a flavour of the organisational ecosystem and promoting internal mobility allows people to find the area that lets them thrive.


Related Reading

What’s New in Publishing: The Great Resignation.. or the Great Opportunity?

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