Application date extended for the 2023 Stationers’ Company Warrants
Published: 28 Nov 2022
The Stationers’ Company announced today that it is extending the date for applications for new Warrants and 2022 Warrant renewals.
These Annual Warrants are formal recognition of the high quality that companies in the Communications and Content Industries put into their products and services, recognising, and acknowledging excellence, with the annual scheme now in its 9th year.
The scheme distinguishes itself by being open to everyone in the Communications and Content industry sectors, both members and non-members of the Stationers’ Company.
The Stationers’ Company confirms a limited number of warrants each year. They are granted based on a set of rigorous criteria including original design and high-quality manufacturing/production techniques, as well as factors such as appropriate and sustainable packaging, and relevance to the industry or market sector; supporting evidence of quality is required.
Applications are reviewed by an eminent panel of Stationers’ Company members, and presentation of new Warrants will take place at a formal luncheon in Stationers’ Hall on 6th March 2023. In 2022, over 130 attended this event, providing additional publicity for the companies involved. The closing date for applications is now Tuesday, 31 January 2023.
Chris Geer, Chair of the Warrants Committee said: “Warrants remain important in increasingly competitive markets, as they offer differentiation and a quality mark of recognition. We encourage businesses to come forward and shout about the great things they are doing”. Jill Jones, Chair of the Industry Committee, added ..’The Warrants bring the full gravitas of 600 years of Stationers’ Company heritage - a seal of excellence for those companies awarded the Warrant’…
In 2022 the Stationers' Company recognised a wide range of industry excellence across many sectors – including quality leather and bookbinding materials, a service reviewing publisher content for students for its inclusivity and diversity messaging, digital typographical and branding website design, a multitouch sensor solution using traditional print industry production processes for new markets and applications, and a pioneering programme addressing problems of waste in the papermaking industry with a zero waste goal.
If you have a product or service that would benefit from being considered for a Stationers’ Company Warrant, we welcome your application as soon as possible as there are only a limited number of warrants available each year. Application forms and Terms and Conditions are available online at the Stationers’ Company website Warrants Scheme (
Alternatively, a hard copy Application form and the Terms and conditions is available from the Chair of the Warrants Committee, Mrs Chris Geer at
For further information please contact: Gabby Price at The Stationers’ Company. T: 020 7246 0982 E: and follow @stationerscomms
The Stationers’ Company,
Stationers’ Hall
Ave Maria Lane
London EC4M 7DD
About The Stationers’ Company
The Stationers' Company is the City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content industries. The Company’s mission is to be the most effective independent forum in the UK Communications and Content industries, actively contributing to the strategic development, success and education of these industries. The majority of our members work in or supply the paper, print, publishing, packaging, office products, newspaper, broadcasting and online media industries.
Categories: Industry News