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Our addressability and linkage solutions further enable audience engagement in a cookieless digital landscape. By intelligently connecting disparate identity data points, we enable brands, publishers and agencies to maximise their 1st party data, scale digital campaigns and measure results effectively.

Data tools Demand side platform Measurement & analytics Open Programmatic Supply side platform

The Sir John Peace Building, Experian Way, Nottingham, NG80 1ZZ


Raj virk

Raj Virk
Marketing Manager


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Free match test: Create new ways to capture value from your audience

Our advanced digital linkage solution, Consumer Sync, paired with our vast audience insight, is designed to identify, understand and expand your valuable audiences. Empowering you to grow revenue streams through advertising & wider reader revenues.

Published: 07 Aug 2024

Experian 2

Google’s cookie turnaround

Sarah Robertson, Director of Product UK&I for Marketing Services at Experian shares her views on the Google cookie deprecation U-turn

Published: 30 Jul 2024
