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Boosting Publisher Revenue: The Role of Demand Path Optimisation (DPO) and Split Testing

Published: 08 Oct 2024

The digital advertising landscape is in a state of constant flux, with publishers continually adjusting to new realities. A primary factor has been the diminishing role of third-party cookies, especially with Google’s gradual phasing out of third-party cookie support on Chrome. This shift demands publishers explore new avenues to sustain revenue, including Demand Path Optimisation (DPO) and split testing, which offer a way to optimise revenue streams and stay ahead in the competitive digital marketplace.

What is Demand Path Optimisation?

Demand Path Optimisation (DPO) involves fine-tuning the pathways through which publishers sell their ad inventory. This means selecting the most efficient and profitable routes to connect with demand sources like supply-side platforms (SSPs) and advertisers. The goal of DPO is to maximise revenue by ensuring ad inventory is sold through transparent, trustworthy channels.

Benefits of DPO Include:

Challenges in Executing DPO and Split Testing

While DPO is promising, implementing it alongside split testing strategies presents its own set of challenges. These obstacles can hinder a publisher’s ability to fully reap the benefits of DPO:

  1. Ad Stack Management: Publishers often find it challenging to test new partners due to the rigidity of current wrappers and limited support for DPO.
  2. Legal Hurdles: Long legal processes can delay the testing of new partners, restricting agility in a fast-paced industry.
  3. Resource Constraints: Limited resources make it difficult for many publishers to effectively execute and optimise DPO and split-testing strategies.
  4. Scale Limitations: Smaller publishers face particular difficulties in securing contracts with preferred SSPs and ad tech partners due to scale limitations.

Key Skill Sets for Effective DPO and Split Testing

For DPO and split testing to be successful, publishers need specific skill sets and resources. However, given the complexity and fast-paced nature of ad tech, it’s unrealistic for publishers to cover all areas internally. Core competencies include:

Focus on Core Competencies and Leverage Third-Party Expertise

For many publishers, the best approach involves focusing on core competencies while partnering with experts to fill in the gaps. This avoids impractical upskilling and ensures access to specialised knowledge. By leveraging third-party expertise, publishers can navigate the ad tech landscape more effectively and stay ahead of industry changes.

How Content Ignite Can Support Publishers

Content Ignite offers tools and expertise that help publishers overcome these challenges. Our Fusion platform and wrapper provides seamless integration, enabling publishers to manage DPO and split testing efficiently. Here’s how we can help:


In the dynamic world of digital advertising, DPO and split testing are vital tools for revenue optimisation. Despite the challenges, by leveraging the right partnerships and focusing on core strengths, publishers can enhance their ad operations, improve user experience, and achieve sustained revenue growth.

To learn more about how Content Ignite can help boost your revenue, reach out to our team at