Publishing Tech Talk

8-9 & 15-16 October 2025 
Charlotte Street Hotel, London

Publishing Tech Talk returned this Autumn! Designed to provide publishers with the information and inspiration they needed to grow their businesses, there were four TechTalk Live morning sessions over two weeks. We joined the dots between the market opportunities for publishers of quality content and the tech solutions that supported the innovation necessary to leverage them.


Publishing Tech Talk: Data Special Report

To make sure that you have the information download you need, we’ve pulled together an exclusive report which summarises the discussions from across the two morning events.



Publishing Tech Talk: Product Special Report

To make sure that you have the information download you need to stay ahead of the curve, we’ve pulled together an exclusive report which summarises the discussions.

PTT Product Special Report 2024


TechTalk Live: Technology: Transforming the future of product development

Event Partner - Experian

Key takeaways

  • There is a real opportunity to build the future on the back of publisher consent, publisher audiences, and publisher data – but to reach the buyside, we need partners, facilitation, enrichment, and data linkage.
  • Cross-team collaboration is essential to delivering great product development. Work progresses quicker when everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize. Have clear KPIs that you’re working towards as a north star for your product development to keep your team on track and to prevent development being waylaid by hundreds of different individual requirements. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.
  • As more advertisers publish science-based targets, there’s an urgent need for publishers to showcase their own sustainable credentials. From reducing page load times to being more targeted with how you serve adverts, publishers need to reduce carbon across the board.
  • If you build it, they might not come – unless you are guided by audience insight. Build your product based on deep and clear audience insight, not what you think the market needs, and you’ll have a product that your audience will buy in to.
  • Don’t be afraid to trial platforms. It’s hard to predict where growth and engagement will come from, so make sure that you’re exploring a variety of channels so that you’re ready to adapt and evolve with changing user behaviour.

TechTalk Live: How publishers can control the narrative around first-party data

Event Partner - Google

Key takeaways

  • Authentic human expertise defines us as quality publishers. It’s our greatest strength, and to succeed in the new AI era, we need to lean into this.
  • It’s about balancing the threat and opportunity that AI creates. On the one hand, publishers now need to defend their intellectual property like never before, whilst also ensuring that they’re not publishing misinformation or content that’s been scraped by an AI tool to maintain a high level of quality. On the flip side, the new tools also provide a means for publishers to rapidly repurpose content, create personalised experiences, and more.
  • Build for the future – you need a vision of where you’re going. Innovation is the only way to fight back against increasing competition and to be prepared for the next big industry development.
  • AI can be a powerful productivity tool, but you need to bring your teams along with you to ensure they embrace it. It’s about AI-assistance, not AI-creation.
  • AI is freeing journalists up from the mundane, news churn tasks that are needed to backfill sites and serve the needs of our audience. This means that apprentice journalists can join senior reporters on the ground to get the training, ensuring that the next generation of reporters have the skills they needed to thrive and succeed.

    Wednesday 9th October, 9am to 12.45pm, Charlotte Street Hotel:

    TechTalk Live: Technology: Transforming the future of product development

    TechTalk sponsor: Experian


    Thursday 10th October, 9am to 12.45pm, Charlotte Street Hotel:

    TechTalk Live: Artificial Intelligence x human innovation: Understanding the future of digital publishing

    TechTalk sponsor: Google


    Friday 11th October

    Look out for the PTT Newsletter and downloadable Special Report



    Wednesday 16th October, 9am to 12.45pm, Charlotte Street Hotel:

    TechTalk Live: From audiences to outcomes: Mastering data in digital publishing

    TechTalk sponsor: Brand Metrics


    Thursday 17th October, 9am to 12.45pm, Charlotte Street Hotel:

    TechTalk Live: Lights, camera, data: Driving video monetisation through audience insights

    TechTalk sponsor: UKOM


    Friday 18th October

    Look out for the PTT Newsletter and downloadable Special Report


    TechTalk Live: From audiences to outcomes: Mastering data in digital publishing

    Event Partner: Brand Metrics

    Key Takeaways

    • Publishers have access to rich insight through their first-party data. We need to disrupt the traditional digital publishing model and create new opportunities to monetise this data and deliver value for partners.
    • Don’t be afraid to challenge briefs from agencies. The overarching objectives of the campaign can sometimes be badly translated into media metrics, so ask questions to help shape a media campaign that will deliver for all partners.
    • Invest in the tech; invest in the people. When you make the internal decision to invest in your data capabilities, make sure you do it right. And that means also giving the tools and training to your team to make use of the new insight capabilities that you have, as well as investing in your tech stack.
    • Depth without scale or scale without depth is meaningless. You need to bring data out of your silos to activate data effectively and to translate it into actionable, meaningful insights.
    • Transparency is essential; we can’t ask advertisers to move from one black-box into another; being clear about your partners, methodologies, and how you collect data is key to building trust.
    • We’re all chasing that email address. But while logged-in data is fantastic, there’s so much more to first-party data – every interaction someone has on your site is a valuable piece of data that should go into building your strategies.
    • At the end of the day, don’t forget KISS – Keep it simple, stupid.

    TechTalk Live: Lights, camera, data: Driving video monetisation through audience insights

    Event Partner: UKOM

    Key Takeaways

    • As publishers of trusted and quality content, we need to apply those same values to our measurement. We need a standardised and transparent approach to measurement that is verified by the industry, not our own internal sources.
    • Measurement doesn’t stand still. The industry evolves rapidly, and we have to move quickly to continue deepening our understanding and meeting requirements from advertisers and agencies.
    • Test, learn, and scale. You need to deliver a consistent approach that builds your expertise in your field and grows your audience, but you also need to continually innovate with how you tell your stories to make sure your content remains fresh.
    • Some risks are worth taking. There is an instinct to see new platforms or emerging trends as a fad; you need to encourage your content team to grasp new opportunities to explore how your brand can live within that space.
    • Dig into your analytics to guide your strategy. Understand what’s performing well, but also what missed the mark, and create individual strategies for each platform to meet the expectations of different audiences.


      Demi Abiola Linked In

      Demi Abiola

      Founder, Konfluence

      Sean Adams edit

      Sean Adams

      Chief Marketing Officer, Brand Metrics

      Felix Amoah

      Felix Amoah

      Founder, KANEA

      Homam Ayaso use this one

      Homam Ayaso

      Director of Content & Publishing, BuzzFeed UK Inc.


      Bedir Aydemir

      Director of Data, The Sun

      Ranj Begley

      Ranj Begley

      Chief Content Officer | UK MD, Readly

      Robin photo 2023

      Robin Booth

      Managing Director, EMAP

      AL PIC

      Al Brown

      Video Content & Strategy Lead, Independent Digital News & Media

      Tommy Cattell

      Tommy Cattell

      Head of Transformation, DAX

      Charlie Celino photo

      Charlie Celino

      Head of Strategic Development, News UK

      Camilla Child Linked In

      Camilla Child

      Director Commercial Data Strategy, Telegraph Media Group

      Jody Doherty Cove

      Jody Doherty-Cove

      Head of AI, Newsquest

      Caroline fenner

      Caroline Fenner

      Chief Revenue Officer, Pink News

      Roxanne Fisher

      Roxanne Fisher

      Director of Digital Content Strategy, Immediate

      Julie Forey

      Julie Forey

      Insight Director, UKOM

      Glenn Freeman Linked In

      Glenn Freeman


      Deborah Gbadamosi Linked In

      Deborah Gbadamosi

      Global Client Lead, Mindshare


      Ritesh Gohil

      Global Solutions Lead, Partner, Mindshare

      Tom headshot

      Tom Gunter

      Co-Founder & Product Solutions Director, Avid Collective

      Simon Harris

      Simon Harris

      Director Advertising Strategy, DPG Media

      Rachel Holsgrove Headshot

      Rachel Holsgrove

      Head of Product & Strategy, Octave

      Sipho Kings

      Sipho Kings

      Co-Founder & Publisher, The Continent News

      Andrew Kirkcaldy Linkedin

      Andrew Kirkcaldy

      CEO & Co Founder, By Gamers For Gamers [BGFG]

      Kiesse Lamour 3

      Kiesse Lamour

      Global Head of Media, Commerce, VML

      Alastair Lewis

      Alastair Lewis

      Founder, Quested Consulting

      John Markey Bio Pic

      John Markey

      Technical Product Owner, William Reed Business Media

      Rachael Work Bio

      Rachael Miller

      Digital Delivery & Development Director, William Reed Business Media

      Laurence mozafari

      Laurence Mozafari

      Editor-in-Chief, Digital Spy

      Alex Newberry Linked In

      Alex Newberry

      CRO, Content Ignite

      Paul Newman

      Paul Newman

      Managing Director – Tech, Future

      Seun Odeneye WEB

      Seun Odeneye

      MD for Media, KINESSO UK&I


      Sarah Robertson

      Director of Product, Experian

      Phil Robinson

      Phil Robinson

      Head of Data and Insight, EMEA, Bloomberg Media

      Daniel Rood Linked In

      Daniël Rood

      Head of Google Cloud AI, UK&I, Google

      JJ Shaw 1200 x 1600

      JJ Shaw

      Managing Associate, Lewis Silkin LLP

      Rebecca Slack linkedin

      Rebecca Slack

      Insight & Measurement Controller, Sky Media

      Ezkiel Taiwo Linked In

      Ezekiel Taiwo

      Agency Partnerships Lead UK & Ireland, Uber Advertising

      Dane Taylor

      Dane Taylor

      Chief Revenue Officer, Key Media

      Simon Taylor Linked In

      Simon Taylor

      Managing Director EMEA, Duration Media

      Alice Ting Linked In

      Alice Ting

      VP & Director of Content Licensing, DMG Media

      SJ Thomas Linked In

      Sarah Jane Thomas

      Client Partner, Buzzfeed Inc

      Victoria Trevillion

      Victoria Trevillion

      Head of Advertising Technology, Gumtree UK




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